Exam Date Registration 22.02.202501.03.202529.03.202505.04.202526.04.202510.05.202517.05.202524.05.202514.06.202521.06.202528.06.202505.07.202512.07.2025 Exam Level Registration A1:200CHFA2:220CHFA2 Scriftlich und B1 Mündlich:260CHFB1:260CHFB1JUNIOR:260CHFB1 Schriftlich und B2 Mündlich:280CHFB2:280CHFC1:350CHF First Name Family Name Street and House Number Town Postcode Email Phone Gender MrMs Birthplace (City and Country) Date of Birth Native language / Mother Tongue I hereby confirm the registration of the telc exam on the date above. The examination fees due upon registration are non-refundable. You will receive confirmation and an invoice per email within the next days.